I am a quantitative social scientist who works at the intersection of environmental and development economics - or envirodevonomics for short. I combine data, mathematical models, and coffee to study how human development and environmental sustainability can reinforce each other in lower- and middle-income countries. I am particularly excited about policies that strengthen resilience in local communities, invest in biodiversity and ecosystem services, or enable just, pro-poor transitions towards (and beyond) net-zero. Large data sets, spatial information and time trends are common to most of my projects. Therefore, I mostly code in R and occasionally dabble with Python and Julia.
I work as an early career researcher at the University of Oxford, where I serve as a Research Assistant in Climate Compatible Growth at the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment and on the Resilience and Development research team at the Environmental Change Institute. I also hold additional affiliations with Oxford Net Zero and the Institute of New Economic Thinking at the Oxford Martin School. Before coming to Oxford, I worked with the Development Economics Group at ETH Zurich and studied at UNU-MERIT and Maastricht University.
Curiosity and caffeine fuel most everything I do, and I love sharing specialty coffee and hierba mate with the people around me while we brainstorm new ideas, challenge each other’s mindsets in conversation, or work away on a joint project. In my screen-free time, you might find me trail running, cooking, reading, listening to latin music, or taking pictures of the world around me. Here, I write the occasional blog post to capture an idea I have, take note of something I would otherwise forget, or weigh in on a topic that has recently caught my attention.